SAF is at it again

Posted at 4:30 AM by Abi Za
And we're all going to benefit from it, again.

Alan Gura and Alan Gottlieb are taking Virginia and the federal government to court with a pretty logical claim:  If someone is legal to buy a gun in their home state, they should be legal to buy a gun in any state.  This is precipitated by the fact that the only FFL in Washington DC is closing, which means that no-one in DC can legally purchase a handgun.   It's been illegal to cross a state line and purchase a handgun since before I was born.  Hopefully the SAF will be as successful with this case as they were with the Heller and McDonald Cases.

Their argument makes sense to me.  I can go to Indiana and buy a newspaper or participate in a political rally.  Why can't I go to Indiana and buy that Remington 1911 that I want?  A right is a right is a right, no matter which state you're in.

A good analogy here would be a situation in which it's illegal to go to buy a book in a state you don't live in, and the only bookstore in Kentucky closed its doors.  Remember, up until 1968, you could buy a gun through the mail just as easily as we buy books from Amazon now, and they almost always had to cross state lines to get from Montgomery Wards or Sears Roebuck to your front door.  Imagine if, in an effort to control the accessibility of news, the government made it illegal to order newspapers and magazines through the mail unless you had a highly regulated license as a newsdealer or a collecter of antique books.  And forget about the Internet.  That kind of thing would have to be stopped, for the children.  We can't have dangerous information passing between people who haven't been thoroughly checked and regularly inspected by the federal Bureau of Newspapers, Comic Books, Magazines, and Printing Presses (BNCMP).

If you're not a member of the Second Amendment Foundation, you ought to consider it.  There's a link for them on the right side of the page.

H/T to Scott over at MacBourne's Musings on this one.

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