War In Libya

Posted at 3:43 PM by Abi Za
The United States, in concert with European allies, has begun attacking the Libyan government of Qaddafi.

Donald Sensing does a better job than I can expressing reservations about the justification, limits, and goals of this action.

I will only add that if the President doesn't call a joint session of Congress in the next 48 hours and get a congressional resolution authorizing the use of force without a clear and present danger to the country, then he may be in trouble with the War Powers Act. It's possible that he wants a showdown over the Act, which limits his power, but it's also possible that he believes that it's irrelevant.  If he takes the latter position, then the legal and constitutional wrangling could get interesting.

While I question this action by our government, I will be keeping the airmen and sailors of our country and our allies in my thoughts and prayers.  You're not going to see me or people like me standing outside of an air force base or military hospital protesting the bombardment of Libya, even though I disagree with the President.

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