10 Best Tips to protect children on the Internet

Posted at 7:51 PM by Abi Za
The kids now are heavy users of the Internet. Internet when it comes to using a computer is very smart. . It is. Parents and teachers, because you should know the dangers that can lead to misuse of the red-line predators, and for this reason. ,. , Cyber ​​bullying, working with more criminals, especially - students learn how to avoid problems if you know you / Please consult with their child.

Keeping Your Children Safe from Pedophiles: Online and Off

Posted at 2:03 AM by Abi Za
When we hear a news piece about a young person fallen prey to an internet pedophile, most of us as parents have one two reactions: we either panic and get overprotective of our kids or we think ‘Not my child. He or she knows better.’ The truth is, however, that any child online is vulnerable to predators, unless they are supervised 100% of the time and unless extremely stringent safety controls are in place.