Stepping on his Weiner

Posted at 3:00 PM by Abi Za
Congressman David Weiner, Democrat of New Yawk, has had one of the following things happen:

  1. He took a picture of his junk and sent it via Twitter to a woman he's not married to.
  2. One of his staff took a picture of someone's junk and sent it to said woman using the Congressman's Twitter account.
  3. Someone hacked into the Congressman's Twitter account, and all they did was send a picture of unidentified junk to one woman.
Considering my generally low opinion of poiticians in general, I'm leaning towards #1, with consideration of #2.  #3 isn't even in the running.  If someone actually broke into the Twitter and other accounts of a Congressman, then they would have done a heck of a lot more than send around underwear pictures.  Not to mention that the FBI would be all over this like ants at a picnic.  But that's just my opinion.

My guess is Mr. Weiner got caught with his hands in the cookie jar, and now he's in extreme damage control.  Apparently that includes stonewalling, pointing to earlier incomplete and inaccurate statements from his office, claiming that these allegations are a distraction, and calling a reporter a "jackass".

Now, don't get me wrong.  I've called reporters much worse in the past, including Christianne Amanpour, the diva of CNN's "Can't you see that somewhere in the world someone is suffering and why isn't the U.S. military doing something about it?".  But when the reporter is trying to definitively find out whether or not a member of Congress sent unrequested lewd pictures to a woman he's not married to, I'd say the jackass has a point.

Congressman Weiner needs to man up, and either admit he poked the pooch or offer up the offending staffer for public shaming.  Attacking the press for wanting to know the truth was slimy when Clinton and Nixon did it, and it's still slimy.  This time there won't be any blue dress, but I'm guessing there's enough forensic evidence in the logs between wherever the picture was sent and where Twitter accepted it that if someone really wanted to know who, when, and from where this happened, they could.  So the Congressman can either let the truth see the light of day, or deal with the consequences when a political opponent or journalist puts all the pieces together.

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